Childhood Friend- A Paper!!!

Today, PRAAZO has brought some old memories for all those who have enjoyed paper games in their childhood as a symbol of entertainment.

Dots and Squares
Begin by drawing a grid of dots on the paper. Using lined paper or graph paper can make this a little easier. The first person draws a line connecting two dots beside each other. The second player then draws another line to connect another two dots. The goal is to be the person who draws the last side of a square. Then you put your initials inside the square (or some other abbreviation to claim your square). In some versions of this game, if you complete a square you get another turn. The player with the most squares when all the squares are drawn is the winner.

Building Words
For players who can read and spell. The first person writes down a letter. The next person adds a letter, and must have a word in mind. The next player adds another letter, again working towards spelling out a word. Next player adds another letter, and so on, until nobody can add another letter. If you think the other player doesn’t have a word in mind, you can challenge him, and if he can’t tell you the word, he’s out.


The simple game of tic tac toe is a two player game of Xs and Os. Play begins with nine spaces on a paper created by crossing two perpendicular sets of two parallel lines. One player begins (take turns being the first player) by placing an X in one square. The next player draws an O in another square. The game continues until there are three Xs or Os in a row or all squares are filled–a draw game, also called cat’s.

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